Focused Exam: Chest Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1
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Education & Empathy : 5 of 6 (83.3%)
During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. The opportunities listed below ar those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient. A Model Statement is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity.
Opportunities marked as Not Encountered are opportunities that were not elicited in the interview Opportunities marked as Not Followed Up are missed opportunities that were present in the interview, but where no statements were made Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient
Description: Mr. Foster describes his past medical history of hypertension and high cholesterol.
What is your medical history Questio
07:07 PM MD
The doctors told me I have a little bit of high blood pressure and cholesterol, but that’s it.
Have you had any surgeries Questio
07:07 PM MD
I’ve never had any surgeries.
Are you allergic to any medication Questio
07:07 PM MD
I think I’m allergic to codeine. It makes me toss my cookies.
Model Statement: “It’s good that I know you have been diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol, because those conditions can cause additional heart problems. I would like to find out more about your diagnosis and treatment of those conditions.”
Your Results Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/6701636/lab_pass.pd
Subjective Data Collection
Objective Data Collection
Education & Empathy
1 Symptoms Followed Up
2 Hypertension and High Cholesterol Not Followed Up
3 Exercise Followed Up
4 Diet Followed Up
5 Weight Gain Followed Up
6 Family History Followed Up
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