How can religion influence people’s perception of the environment? Explain using some examples.


After reading Chapter # 7 of the course textbook, compose an essay based on the following topics:

1. How can religion influence people’s perception of the environment? Explain using some examples.

2. Explain the use of fish and wine in Christianity as examples of the relationship between religion and economy. Explain using some examples from other religions.

Your answer should reflect knowledge of the topic applying the concepts learned in our course, and, most importantly, using your own words.  Explain your answer in NO less than 200 words and no more than 400 words for each question.  Note that essays that are less than 600 words in length will lose points.  You must also separate each answer clearly using titles or numbers.  The word count does not include your name, PID, date, title, prompt/question/s posed, Bibliography, etc.  In fact, to reduce the Originality report (in Turnitin), you should avoid including the questions posed in your essay.

It is required to cite the course textbook in this and in all written assignments.  Any source cited in the essay must be included in the text, in parenthesis at the end of the sentence using quotation marks if it is a direct quote, including the last name/s of the author/s, year of publication, and the page number (i.e., Domosh et al. 2013: 63).  If you are using an external source writing this information in your own words, then you must cite at the end of the sentence, using parenthesis, the last name/s of the author/s and the year of publication (i.e., Neumann and Price 2013).  All sources cited in your essay must also be included in a separate page on a Bibliography/Reference section at the end of your essay.

Note # 1: Late work will be accepted but it will incur in a 10-point deduction for each week it is submitted late.  The weekly point-deduction will be applied starting on the next day after the deadline (Sunday at 12:00 AM).  No late work will be accepted after Friday, July 26.                                           

Note # 2: Students are not allowed to work in teams.  Your answer must be your own, original thoughts.  If you plagiarize your thoughts from a website, journal, or any other source, not only you will be sad because you cannot write the small number of words of your own, but because you will also earn a failing grade in our course.

Note # 3: You must format your work according to the required Technical Aspects described in the course syllabus:

· 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, or Book Antiqua);

· one-inch margins all around;

· double-spaced;

· numbered pages.

Works not formatted accordingly will lose 10 points in their grades for this and any other written assignment in this course.


Exact citation:


Domosh, Mona, Neumann, Roderick, Price, Patricia and Terry Jordan-Bychkov. 2013. The Human Mosaic: A Cultural Approach to Human Geography. 12th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.


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