Our Revision Policy
We are happy to inform you that we do free paper revisions if you are unsatisfied with your order. One of our primary goals is providing customers with top-notch academic help, so you can count on a free-of-charge revision of the paper you purchased on MiverWritings.com. For this, your request must meet the following criteria:
Consistent instructions: You must provide revision directions that comply with your initial instructions for the order. For example, you cannot ask to rewrite your paper on a different topic.
Proper revision request: Be advised that you cannot order a revision via email or phone. Please use the special revision request button which you can find on your personal order page.
One week deadline: If you approve the paper you received, you can ask for editing anytime. Please note, however, that once you approve your order, you have only 7 days to have it revised for free.
Sometimes it may happen that the order needs major enhancements. Due to a number of reasons, you might want it to be rewritten from scratch, or to change large parts of it significantly. In this case, you will have to pay an extra fee, which is different in every particular case. To get an estimate of the fee, please contact our support team. The same applies if you have missed the 7-day deadline after having approved the order.
We understand that for big orders such as a full thesis or dissertation, one week is not enough. Such orders are subject to the Progressive Delivery feature, which means they are sent to you in parts as they are completed by the author. A revision request for orders with the Progressive Delivery feature can be submitted within 21 days after the initial approval.
In some cases, we can extend a revision deadline according to our writers’ requests–but only if the time frame you paid for allows such an extension.
You are free to request a different writer to perform a revision. Keep in mind though that we will need extra time to find a new writer. In this case, you might need to extend your deadline by 12 hours.
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Writers in any discipline
We always have active specialists in 80+ disciplines.
Money-back option
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Our specialists have been working with academic papers for years.
Narrow specialization
Each of our writers is a pro in 1-2 specific disciplines.
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We have experts in STEM, finance, law, economics, and more subjects that can be tough.
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